Jiliace’s Privacy Policy

In today digital age. Privacy has become an important thing for each individual. Specially in the digital age. That is why here at Jiliace we understand the significance of protecting and securing your personal information. To ensure your gaming experience is safe and secure. On this page, we will talk about Jiliace privacy policy so that you, our valued player can have the best experience.

The Importance of Privacy

The importance of your privacy is not just a policy for us. But it is what Jiliace values. Each and everyone of your data is protected so we can give you the confidence that your personal information is handled with care. We assure you that when you choose Jiliace. You are playing on a platform that respects each and of your data and privacy rights.

What Our Privacy Policy Cover?

Our Privacy Policy covers a comprehensive spectrum of data:

  • Personal Information: Includes your full name, contact information, date of birth to help us verify your identity.
  • Financial Information: We gather information related to your payment methods and your transactions is handled securely to ensure the protection of your account.
  • Gaming Data: We collect records of your gaming activity to provide you relevant promotions and to have an amazing personal experience.
  • Transactions: We gather records of your transaction to ensure that all of your transaction history is being audited.

Why Collect Your Data

Our data collection serves specific purposes, such as:

  • Verifying Identity: We use your Identity to confirm whether you are legit or not, and to comply with our requirements.
  • Gaming Experience: We gather your gaming experiences to help us tailor promotions and recommendations on your account.
  • Responsible Gaming: To make sure that you maintain a responsible gaming experience.

How We Protect Your Data

Jiliace is committed in keeping your data safe and secure. With the fastest software, having the best security measures there is that includes encryption, firewalls, and verifications. In order to protect your data from unauthorized access and potential hacks.

Sharing Data

Here at Jiliace we are committed to safely secure your data. We do not share or sell your data with other third parties for marketing or potential threats. We may, however, share your data with authorized third parties for specific purposes, which is payment processing, and transfers.

Your Rights

Here at Jiliace, we respect your rights. You can review, update, and change your personal data, as well as request access to your data. We also provide tools for you to set limits, ensuring you the best gaming experience.

Your Privacy is Our Priority

Jiliace’s Privacy Policy is not just a word. But a promise to each individual that Jiliace will keep your data secure and safe. We will protect your privacy so we can continue to gain your trust and to make sure that every individual is getting what they needed. We ask you to read our Privacy Policy in full, to understand it better. For any questions or concern you can directly contact us. Our customer support is always here 24/7 to assist you. You are  safe with us! And it is our pleasure to protect you as you enjoy gaming with Jiliace! It is necessary to ready Jiliace Privacy Policy in order to understand how your data will be shared.